Nature Nurtures Authenticity

A very recent study found that nature fosters authenticity (being aligned with one’s true self), and it does so through at least four plausible mechanisms: self-esteem, basic needs satisfaction (autonomy, competence, relatedness), mindfulness, and positive affect. The research team concluded that self-esteem was the strongest mechanism overall, and autonomy was the strongest of the three basic needs. Exposure to nature improves psychological well-being, contributing to increases in life satisfaction and meaning in life via self-esteem and authenticity and both to increases in life satisfaction and meaning in life, as well as decreases in depression, anxiety, and stress via authenticity. Nature, then, is important to the sense of feeling aligned with one’s real self and to wellness.

Reference: Yang, Y., Sedikides, C., Wang, Y., & Cai, H. (2023). Nature nurtures authenticity: Mechanisms and consequences. Journal of personality and social psychology, 10.1037/pspi0000432. Advance online publication.

This is another study that shows how much people’s mental well-being has to do with nature and its well-being. That is why we individually and society as a whole must take steps towards preserving nature and caring for our planet.